Rules of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences (PPGCS)
Still in force for classes prior to PPGSA
Approved by CONSEP on July 5, 2016
Internal regulations for use of physical space under PPGSA administration, internal area of IFCH
Internal Resolution N.001 / 2018
Regulates the request made by doctoral students on the dismemberment of the discipline thesis seminars
Internal Resolution N.001 / 2017
Regulates the term of validity for credit of subjects for the doctorate in Sociology and Anthropology
(for students from another area of knowledge)
Internal Resolution N.002 / 2017
Regulates the requirements for leveling doctoral students in the Sociology and Anthropology Graduate Program
(for students with master's degrees in other areas of knowledge)
Internal Resolution N.003 / 2017
Regulations on credits necessary for the qualification of doctorate - RECTIFIED
Internal Resolution N.004 / 2017
Implementation of the new PPGSA bylaws
PPGSA Collegiate Resolution N.01 / 2016
Criteria for Accreditation and Permanence of Teachers
Resolution No. 0/2008, of February 1, 2008
Regulates the academic path of students from other areas of knowledge.