Area of Concentration
The Postgraduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology (PPGSA) aims to train high-level teachers and researchers, offering the degree of Master in Sociology and Anthropology (with a concentration in Sociology or Anthropology), and the degrees of Doctor of Human Sciences (Sociology) or Doctor of Human Sciences (Anthropology).
The Master's course aims to provide academic-scientific training to holders of a higher education degree, qualifying and training them for research and teaching in the area of Sociology and Anthropology, improving their basic, theoretical and practical knowledge, fundamental for carrying out scientific and academic activities, developing a critical spirit, as well as the rigor for the preparation of scientific publications, including the writing of monographs and dissertations.
The Doctorate course aims to deepen academic-scientific training, aiming to consolidate the student's research competence and creative capacity. It is expected that, at the end of the course, the Doctor will be able to carry out, autonomously, scientific research, as well as perform all functions specific to the production of scientific knowledge, teaching and/or other academic activities in the area of Sociology and Anthropology
Lines of Research
Line of Research 1. Religion, Culture, Symbolism and Power
The line of research “Religion, culture, symbolism and power” is dedicated to the socio-anthropological study of religious systems, practices and representations in their ritualistic and institutional dimensions; cultural heritage; the relations between power and culture; popular culture and its festivals. It involves research into different forms of health practices, including traditional and shamanistic medicine, aimed at understanding the diversity of cosmologies inherent to different ethnic-cultural groups, as well as their tensions with power structures.
Research Line 2. Gender, Generation and Ethnic-racial Relations
The line of research “Gender, generation and ethnic-racial relations” is dedicated to understanding gender inequalities, sexualities, intergenerational relations, racism and ethnic-cultural diversity. Focuses on intersectional studies of diverse social processes, bodily performances and the age and racial dynamics of subalternization and resistance. It involves socio-anthropological research in dialogue with Afro-Brazilian, indigenous, peasant, immigrant groups and the LGBTQIAPN+ community.
Research Line 3. Ethics, Work and Sociability
The line of research “Ethics, work and sociability” is dedicated to the socio-anthropological understanding of social interactions of a political, economic, institutional and intersubjective nature, combining analyzes of sociopolitical structures and their power relations with the study of social conformations of subjectivities and their expressions. The line covers topics such as communication; artistic and cultural manifestations; digital and algorithmic sociability; violence; education; working processes and conditions and forms of organization of workers.
Research Line 4. Public and collective actions, Territory and Environment
The line of research “Public and collective actions, territory and environment” articulates a variety of issues linked to collective actions, in rural and urban contexts. It encompasses investigations into social movements, collective actors, associations and cooperatives. The line mobilizes socio-anthropological repertoires to understand phenomena linked to civil participation and its dialogues and tensions with the State; to conflicts, mediations and agreements on social rights; public actions at the territorial level; development policies and their impacts on population groups, especially those located in Amazonian territories.
Professors working in each Line of Research
Line of Research 1. Religion, Culture, Symbolism and Power:
Antônio Maurício Dias da Costa l Kátia Marly Leite Mendonça l Luciana Gonçalves de Carvalho l Manoel Ribeiro de Moraes Junior l Taissa Tavernard de Luca l Voyner Ravena Cañete l Lourdes Gonçalves Furtado
Research Line 2. Gender, Generation and Ethnic-racial Relations
Claudia Leonor López Garcés l Denise Machado Cardoso l Edila Arnaud Ferreira Moura l Edna Ferreira Alencar l Mônica Prates Conrado l Rodrigo Corrêa Diniz Peixoto l Luísa Maria Silva Dantas l Michele Escoura Bueno l Telma Amaral Gonçalves
Research Line 3. Ethics, Work and Sociability
Andréa Bittencourt Pires Chaves l Denise Machado Cardoso l Edna Maria Ramos de Castro l Flávio Leonel Abreu da Silveira l Kátia Marly Leite Mendonça l Leonardo Ribeiro da Cruz l Manoel Ribeiro de Moraes Junior l Patrícia da Silva Santos l Sônia Maria Simões Barbosa Magalhães dos Santos
Research Line 4. Public and collective actions, Territory and Environment
Claudia Leonor López Garcés l Carlos Potiara Ramos de Castro l Carlos Freire da Silva l Edila Arnaud Ferreira Moura l Edna Ferreira Alencar l Edna Maria Ramos de Castro l Flávio Leonel Abreu da Silveira l Heribert Schmitz l Luciana Gonçalves de Carvalho l Maria José da Silva Aquino Teisserenc l Rodrigo Corrêa Diniz Peixoto l Sônia Maria Simões Barbosa Magalhães dos Santos l Tânia Guimarães Ribeiro l Voyner Ravena Cañete