Area of Concentration: Sociology


Research Line: Public and Collective Actions, Territory and Environment


Collective Action for Economic Purposes in Rural Pará: problems and possibilities

Coordinator: Heribert Schmitz

Starting year: 2006

Funding: CNPq


Quinquennial Demographic Censuses in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve

Coordinator: Edila Arnaud Ferreira Moura

Starting year: 2013


Social Conflicts and Mobilization in a Comparative Perspective: the mangaba extractivist women in the North and Northeast of Brazil

Coordinator: Heribert Schmitz

Starting year: 2013

Funding: CNPq


Elaboration of Maps of Traditional Populations, Conflicts and Uses of Biodiversity in the Area of ​​BR-163 (PA)

Coordinator: Rodrigo Corrêa Diniz Peixoto

Starting year: 2010


Empowerment, Local Ethos and Natural Resources: social cartography as a strategy for the elaboration of action plans in marine RESEX’s of the salgado paraense

Coordinator: Voyner Ravena Canete

Starting date: 2014.

Funding: PROPESP / UFPA - PE-Interdisciplinary Notice n.09 / 2014


State of Opinion of Social Actors Related to the Mamirauá Institute

Coordinator: Maria José da Silva Aquino Teisserenc

Starting year: 2014


Family Structure and Reproductive Health Conditions of Amazonian Riverside Populations

Coordinator: Edila Arnaud Ferreira Moura

Starting year: 2012


Studies on Educational Policies Developed by the Municipalities of Tefé, Uarini, Alvarães and Maraã in the State of Amazonas

Coordinator: Edila Arnaud Ferreira Moura

Starting year: 2012


Gender, Fisheries and Work: characterization of work and sociodemographic profile of women who participate in fisheries resource management projects in Mamirauá and Amanã, AM Sustainable Development reserves

Coordinator: Edna Ferreira Alencar

Starting year: 2013

Funding: CNPq


Popular Identities and Mobilizations in the Neighborhoods of Guamá and Terra Firme, in Belém (PA)

Coordinator: Rodrigo Corrêa Diniz Peixoto

Starting year: 2009


Social Memory of Popular Struggles in Pará and Narrative Analysis

Coordinator: Rodrigo Corrêa Diniz Peixoto

Starting year: 2010

Funding: CNPq


Intercultural Markets: languages, practices and identities in Amazonian contexts

Coordinator: Carmem Izabel Rodrigues

Starting year: 2013

Funding: CNPq


The Political Challenge of Participation in Protected Areas

Coordinator: Tânia Guimarães Ribeiro

Starting year: 2013

Funding: CNPq


Belém Urban Conflict Observatory

Coordinator: Rodrigo Corrêa Diniz Peixoto

Starting year: 2011


OSE Guyamapa - Satellite Observation of the Environment

Coordinator: Voyner Ravena Canete

Starting year: 2012


Cultural Landscapes, Collective Memory and Social Trajectories. Anthropological Study of Cultural Frontiers in the Contemporary Urban World of the City of Belém-Pa

Coordinator: Flávio Leonel Abreu da Silveira

Starting year: 2006


Social Networks and Teacher Education in Social Sciences

Coordinator: Denise Machado Cardoso 

Starting year: 2011


Emerging Territories of Local Public Action and Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Amazon

Coordinator: Maria José da Silva Aquino Teisserenc

Starting year: 2010

Funding: CNPq


Three Generations of Rural Workers: and what did young people inherit? Study in a rural settlement invaded by the urban way of life

Coordinator: Edila Arnaud Ferreira Moura

Starting year: 2014


Use of Energy in Domestic and Productive Activities in Small Population Groups in Mamirauá and Amanã Sustainable Development Reserves

Coordinator: Edila Arnaud Ferreira Moura

Starting year: 2012


Research Line - Ethics, Work and Sociabilities


Assessment of Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts of the Biofuel Production Chain

Coordinator: Maria Cristina Alves Maneschy

Starting year: 2014


Socioeconomic and Territorial Characterization of Canaã dos Carajás to Support Municipal Planning

Coordinator: Maria Cristina Alves Maneschy

Starting year: 2014


Image, Art, Ethics and Society

Coordinator: Kátia Marly Leite Mendonça

Starting year: 2014


Vioência e Diálogo: investigations on the field of sociology of ethics

Coordinator: Kátia Marly Leite Mendonça

Starting year: 2009