The Juerê-group of studies and research with Children, childhood and Youth, connected to the graduate program in Sociology and Anthropology (PPGSA) of the Institute of philosophy and Humanities (IFCH), promotes, from this Tuesday, 10, the "Inventudes-dialogues on children and youths in the Amazon". The event follows until Thursday, 12, morning and afternoon, the Auditorium Basic Sector I.
According to the Coordinator of Juerê and organizer of the meeting, Professor Telma Amaral, the Inventudes seeks to encourage the exchange among researchers, collectives and militants who carried out research, activism or social projects with children and young people. "We want to emphasize the aspects related to regional and local identities, such as Amazon, accompanying their singularities and belonging," he explains.
The meeting brings together participants from various areas: in addition to the social sciences, for professionals, for example, Social Service, and communication. "The idea is to engage in dialogue with all possible areas, to meet the work undertaken in this field, in the Amazon. In this sense, interdisciplinarity and intersectionality are necessary and very welcome, "the Organizer.
Programming – the event have varied activities. In addition to Conference and round tables, the Inventudes will feature wheels of conversations, groups of thematic dialogues, shows movies and explanatory fotoetnografias, the latter is a partnership with the Visagem-group of research in Visual Anthropology and image. "Many members of the Juerê are also part of Visagem and, as anthropology, since its formation, has a too intimate with the image, we could not fail to give visibility to these jobs as a means of analysis and production of critical material about his investigations and actions", explains the Coordinator of Juerê.
In the groups of thematic Dialogues that occur on Thursday (12), researchers from various fields will present the results of their research completed or in progress, organized into three major themes: "family and Generation", "Bodies, Sexualities and education" and "childhood and Youth in different contexts". In addition to his own works will be exhibited research UFPA, Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), the Federal Institute of education, science and technology of Pará (IFPA), the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA), Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), the University of Amazonia (Unama) and the Universidade Federal do Amapá (UNIFAP).
One of the highlights of the schedule is the wheels of conversation "craving to be juveniles", which will be attended by representatives of social and artistic movements, such as graffiti artists and people linked to hip-hop. "We want to strengthen the bond between the Academy and the social movements, in a different perspective from the one traditionally settled, which is using the social movement as academic field of research. Our interest is to ensure the place speaks of those who favour effective actions in social life ", emphasizes Professor Telma Amaral.
Juerê -the proposed Constitution of the Group was in 2005, in the context of the old disciplines graduate program in social sciences (now PPGSA) on the subject, taught by teachers Diana and Angelica Retired Motta-Maués. Since then, it has become, with more regular activities, from 2012, and certification of the research Directory of CNPq, in 2013. The Juerê currently has three lines of research: "culture and public space", "education and work" and "Genre, affectivity and sexuality", involving eleven researchers and partnership with other groups, like the Visagem, the Gepem-group of studies and researches Aeneid dark about Woman and gender ", and the Interfaces – groups of Research Studies on Genera, Families and Generations, the UFPA; and the Genseg-group of Research of gender, sexuality, education and Generations, the UEPA.
The study interests are children and/or youth in circumstances and different conditions, like high school, in situation of institutionalization (hospitals, shelters), playfulness, issues relating to sexuality, family ties, contexts of violence and cultural manifestations.
Inventudes-dialogues on children and youths in the Amazon
Days: 10 to 12 November 2015
Time: 9:00 at 6:00 pm
Location: Auditorium Basic Sector I
Programming on the blog of the event.
Entries in the event.
Text: Deano Azevedo-Ascom/IFCH.
Photo: Alexandre Moraes